
Welcome to my blog. While I can’t guarantee it, I hope it at least be entertaining, and maybe if I’m lucky, a bit insightful?

Don’t hesitate to comment freely if you are so moved. Exchange and discussion are good for the spirit.

A homepage section

This “Homepage Section” is poorly understood by me at this point in becoming a WordPress Master. I’ll just upload one of my paintings for you to marvel at and ask “what the hell is THAT supposed to be”, but not outloud, and I’ll update the text of this later.


I am now semi-retired. What does “semi-retired” really mean? It means, if I adopt a really austere lifestyle, and use healthcare.gov for my medical benefits and opt for an insanely high deductible, I can afford to not drive to work in really shitty weather and put up with upper-management’s not always well-thought-out decisions.

I’ve been a writer and even a poet in my past history, so I thought, “What the hell? I will now be a Blogger”.

This might be a great forum for over-the-top self-indulgence and philosophical waxing. Or, I might suck at it. Only time will tell.


One Minute Meditation

“Is peace achieved through non-peaceful methods really peace at all?” Your daily one minute meditation. Will somebody shoot that seagull? It’s wrecking my universal peace and love.Bang!There we go, back to the harmony.

Seimei Views The Future Of Kyoto

“I am in full Cultural Appropriation mode. It’s called ‘learning’.” Arienai.Naze. Little change in thousand years.(says Seimei viewing the future through the Red Orb of Awesome Divination and somehow overlooking the skyscrapers also found in the city.)


John Casler – artwork@johncasler.com

Feel free to send me an email. Unless you are selling extended car warranties. Or viagra.